Monday 27 February 2017

#SouthAfricaBeWise: Xenophobia a mental illness exhibited by people of low self esteem

Xenophobia according to the dictionary is the fear of strangers or foreigners.

What is fear? Fear is a strong uncontrollable , unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or treat.

A point whereby people begins to feel not good enough to compete with others and see them as potential enemies.

Idleness and depression gives birth to uncontrollable anger, it kills self worth and makes one feel irresponsible or totally dependent on others.

Idle people mostly blame the society, government, and the immediate environment for their problems, they do not want to take responsibility for anything they will rather fold their hands and wait for things to change automatically.

Many do not think of the value they can offer to life yet they demand too much from life and then end up saying life is not fair.

Wise people learn and try to maximize every opportunity that comes their way but a fool dwells on the little he has until it gets exhausted.

Great people do great things because they do not wait for things to change, they change things by themselves.

Inventors/creators are unique personalties who do not wait for opportunity but create opportunities.

Like the common saying ‘No man is an island of knowledge’ hence as a people, nation, we all need each other to survive.

Our colour, background, religion, race, ethnicity should not divide us for life itself is superior to all.

If a country is known to be a favourite destination for visitors, it shows the country has untapped resources that is yet to be harnessed, it means there are opportunities all around  that you are just too blind to see.

Why not attack the subject and leave the object, why not pray to your maker to open your inner eye to see the endless possibilities all around you!

Xenophobia should not be once named among humans for we all are created equal and have equal chances of survival.

Do not forget life is a battle and only the strongest would survive.

Dear South Africans this is a wakeup call to you all, stop the killings, stop the hate, learn to accommodate others. Why not learn from your past leader Nelson Mandella.
By Micheal Adeniyi (NewAgeBlogger)

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